Development Debt
...better deals for developers
Our expertise answers your question 'how do I find the
best debt for my development?'
This question is one we are often asked by developers and the professionals advising them.
Answering the question has become more difficult for develpers because there are more lenders than before and often the best deal comes from a new lender, replacing the one stop clearing banks who are now in retreat.
This is where we can help as we know the lenders, the ones who fund develeopments in the narrow sense, funding the construction of a proejct. We also know the lenders who fund developments in the wider sense, through the life of a development, starting with acquisition finance to buy the land to inventory finance and long term investment debt at completion.
We know the professionals who document, value and monitor developments.
We know how lenders think and where they are most sensitive because we are ex-lenders ..
We prepare you for the difficult questions that lenders will ask you
We can even source mezzanine and equity if you need it.
We are experienced optimists who have good written business in the good times and the not-so good.
I can help if as I have specialised in structuring and raising debt for developments since the start of the noughties. I specialised as I like the assets, the people in the industry and the challenge of structuring a deal that works well for both developer and lender. I also recognise the need to reinvent myself; residential has remained just as popular post GFC as retail was pre-GFC.
Negotiating the trade-offs
Just as important as knowing the sectors, geograpgies and types is knowing the tradeoffs and negotiating the best overall deal.
Price and leverage are important but so is your freedom to develop
Lender Appetite
Residential Development in its many forms
There remains is was the main growth sector after the GFC and the fundamentals remain strong as does lender appetite.
Open market Sale, single project and phased schemes
BTR; development though to stabilisation
Mixed tenures ; BTR and DMR, OMS and Social/Affordable
PBSA ; development through to stablisation
Senior Living; for sale and for rent
There is appetite from lenders for developments and refurbishment with varying degrees of pre-let and size in London and the big 6..
There is some appetite for lend to true hotel risk, the type that carries some operational risk. There is plenty of appetite for hotels let on long leases to brands.
There is appetite to finance logistics developments but opportunity is limited as most development are done on balance sheet by the big names..
There is limited lender appetite at present as the sector is reconfigured to meet the 21st century. The sector was struggling before C19, having discovered that F&B was not sufficient to mitigate changing habits of shoppers.
There lenders wth appetite across the UK, not just London and the Big 6. Fortunately we have contacts with the new wave of lenders who are keen to lend to good developers with the right deal and experience.
Varieties of debt
Senior debt for most situations -
Auction, acquisition, briding and sometimes just to hold the land prior to development starting
Development Finance - for the construction of a scheme
Inventory Finance - for completed but unsold resi stock
Long term debt- for stablised assets in PBSA and PRS
Mezzanne Debt and Equity - we can source this through contacts wht prinicpals active in the sector
Cross border - we operate in the UK but can arrange debt with lenders in the UK for deals in the EU if the deal is of sufficient size.